Covenant Podcast interviews Dr. Sam Waldron About The Doctrine of Last Things

Sam Waldron has the ability to teach complex topics in simple terms and with clarity. Eschatology is undoubtedly  a complex branch of theology where the ordinary Bible student can easily get lost among all the diverse (and oftentimes opposing) views out there.Waldron had already written three books on eschatology: The End Times Made Simple, More of the End Times Made Simple, and MacArthur's Millennial Manifesto - A Friendly Response. In this interview about the upcoming release of his new...

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Sam Waldron’s New Book on Eschatology

The Doctrine of Last Things: An Optimistic Amillennial View is the culmination of Dr. Sam Waldron's pastoral heart on eschatology, which spans over thirty years. This book aims to clarify the often contentious and complex discussions surrounding the doctrine of last things (eschatology). Waldron even-handedly addresses various eschatological views, including premillennialism, postmillennialism, and amillennialism, while emphasizing the importance of understanding the relationship between...

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Why Not Full-Preterism?

Why Not Full-Preterism? by Steve Gregg, Xulon Press, Maitland, FL, pag. 370 (2022) My Goodreads review: Full-Preterism is a theological innovation from the 1970s according to which all Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled in the past, that is in A.D. 70. The system is mainly based on the so-called time-texts (for instance Matt. 24:34, 1 Cor. 10:11, Rev. 1:1) around which a paradigm is established that forces all prophetic pronouncements into a first-century fulfilment. Although...

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Inmillennialism? Redefing the End Times If you are reading this blog you have undoubtedly heard of "pre", "post" or "a"-millennialism, but you might never have heard of INmillennialism. Not entirely satisfied with the existing end-time- views around, Michael Rogers begun to develop his own approach which he labelled inmillennialism. His view is largely preterist while remaining orthodox. Haven't read his book yet: Inmillennialism? Redefining the End Times On his blog Rogeres provides a free...

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Some Thoughts on the Parousia

If you have an interest in the end times and want to dive deeper into eschatology, Kim Riddlebarger's blog and podcast are a must. In his latest post he reflects on how at the parousia previously unseen things will suddenly be revealed and seen. After all, heaven is not that far off. Quite interesting: Some Thoughts on Paul's Doctrine of Christ's Parousia

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Biblical Principles in Interpretation // Upcoming Conference on Eschatology

In briefly surveying Sam Waldron's book 'The End Times Made Simple', in this short video Ryan Eakins of Eschatology Matters points out three important principles in biblical interpretation: 1) Clear passages before more difficult ones 2) Literal passages before figurative ones 3) General truths have precedence over more detailed onesSam Waldron will also be one of the key speakers at the upcoming conference of Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary: CONQUERING and to CONQUER An Eschatology of...

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Are We Living in the Last Days? – The Rooted Truth Podcast Interview with Brian Godawa

Author and screenwriter Brian Godawa on the Rooted Truth podcast. Among other topics he discusses: What are the last days? Different end time views and the dangers of a futuristic outlook. Are we living in the Book of Revelation? Daniel 2—the stone that grows into a great mountain. Is there a rapture? and so much more!  

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Eschatology Matters

While researching the latest developments in eschatology I came across this interesting site: Eschatology Matters is a ministry that is committed to furthering discussion and study in the area of eschatology from a Reformed perspective. To pursue this goal, besides their website, they promote conferences, interviews, and presentations.  They also have a podcast and YouTube channel with plenty of worthwhile material. Added to the Resources-Link-List.

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