About ChristsReturn.org
About one in four verses of the Bible is predictive. Out of these, a substantial part has already been fulfilled, especially in connection with the incarnation of Jesus Christ. In some cases, a partial fulfillment has occurred, while the full consummation has not yet come. Still, other prophecies lay entirely in the future.
Eschatology, the doctrines of the last things, is a much more complex subject than certain prophecy pundits (regardless of their peculiar perspective) pretend. Historically, good men have held differing views and a variety of interpretations. However, despite the disagreements, one should not lose sight of the fact that, among those committed to Scripture as the ultimate authority, all interpreters foresee the eventual victory of Christ to the glory of God. For all (with the exception of the hyper-preterists) there is THE one big event on the horizon of world history that will usher in “the age to come”: the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
About that hour, of course, no one knows, except the Father only (Matt. 24:36). Yet, as Scripture is meant to be understood and cannot be broken (John 10:35), prophecy has nonetheless been given for a purpose and should guide the Christian life. Ultimately, eschatology, far from being purely speculative, is about our worldview and profoundly impacts the outlook of the Christian life and church practice.
This blog reflects on what Christians (and non-believers) have said (and are saying) about the Second Coming and the end times and tries to consider these thoughts in light of the Scriptures. If this should bring the reader anyhow to a deeper appreciation of the Lord Jesus Christ, then its purpose will have been accomplished.
About Me
Coming from a Roman Catholic background I came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in my early twenties after attending an (evangelical) Bible study.
Eager to understand the Bible better, I began consulting commentaries and soon found out that, on eschatological matters, there were out (even among those with a high view of Scripture) a wide range of interpretations.
I was furthermore perplexed about how easily those adhering to a literal interpretation of the Bible, did at the same time almost ignore the imminent expectation of Christ’s return that permeates the entire New Testament. After all, 2000 years have passed since the day of ascension and Christ has not (yet) returned in glory.
Over time I came to a more comprehensive understanding of how prophecy works and how eschatological concepts are expressed in the Bible: about how the kingdom of God has already been inaugurated, while it is, at the same time, still awaiting fulfillment.
Having developed a particular interest in eschatology, I set up the blog ChristsReturn.org to share interesting content about the end times and Christ’s Second Coming. Ultimately, a sound biblical eschatology serves an essential apologetic purpose.
I live in Lombardy in Northern Italy with my wonderful wife and two beautiful children. We are part of a free evangelical church of the Brethren assemblies.
Marco Pompili, San Rocco al Porto, Italy