Eschatology Matters

Eschatology Matters is a ministry that is committed to furthering discussion and study in the area of eschatology. Specifically, Eschatology Matters examines the eschatological views consistent with Reformed Christianity—those views which are covenantal in perspective. To pursue this goal, Eschatology Matters promotes conferences, interviews, and presentations that further the growth of Reformed eschatology within the church.



The Riddleblog

Devoted to Reformed Theology and Eschatology, the Riddleblog is the online home of Dr. Kim Riddlebarger.

Dr. Riddlebarger is pastor emeritus of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim. For over twenty-five years, he was a co-host of the White Horse Inn radio program. He is an author, conference speaker, seminary professor, podcaster, and blogger. Check out The Blessed Hope podcast.

The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path is the radio and internet ministry of Steve Gregg, a servant Bible teacher to the body of Christ.

The site has a huge amount of material. Regarding eschatology, Steve takes the amillennial, partial preterist view. The topical lectures include the series ‘When shall these things be?’ and a debate on full preterism.



Monergism is a free, comprehensive online theological library comprised of Reformed Christian resources designed to bring glory to Jesus Christ alone. The directory consists of original and aggregated content from around the world emphasizing the good news that salvation is God’s free gift for guilty sinners, not a reward for the righteous.

Check out Monergism’s resources on eschatology here.

Historic Christians, since the time of Christ’s glorious exaltation to the right hand of the Father, were biblically committed to their chief end: the glory of God and the enjoyment of Christ in living in a holy manner…coram deo (before his face). is part of the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics (CRTA).

Check out their resources on eschatology here. takes the eschatological position that the Kingdom of God was successfully inaugurated during Christ’s earthly ministry. Jesus Christ currently reigns at the right hand of the Father over His church. At the end of these last days, Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead.



An Evening of Eschatology - Piper, Hamilton, Wilson, Storms

On September 27, 2009, Desiring God and Bethlehem College & Seminary hosted “An Evening on Eschatology”, a discussion regarding the different interpretations of the “Millennium” found in Revelation 20.

The three major views are defended by Jim Hamilton (premillennialism), Sam Storms (amillennialism), and Doug Wilson (postmillennialism). The debate is moderated by John Piper.


Boyce College Eschatology Forum

The Boyce College Eschatology Forum took place on September 23, 2009.

Dr. Denny Burk moderates a panel discussion with Dr. Tom Schreiner, Dr. Chad Brand, and Dr. Bruce Ware about views on tribulation and millennialism.

With over 40,000 speakers, this site is an immense resource.

You can search by scripture, topic, and speaker.

Search for key eschatological passages.